Justice & Protection for & Rewhango


The heart of the issue lies within the jurisdiction and constituency of United State, encompassing grave allegations such as torture by the US government officials and cause hand-cap and use of medication for life, brutality, prosecutorial misconduct e.g. David Eskew colluded with Dechert law firm in justice corruption  , systemic corruption within the justice apparatus, threats against lawyers not to perform their duties, and the plating of judges to corrupt justice. Notably, the Chief Judge in New York ordered the recusal of these judges. Furthermore, the government planted a judge to corrupt the case an immigration judge, similarly influenced, obstructed my adjustment of immigration status by not allowing to appear not to appear at the Master Hearing todate and even if I had a bond granted by the judge, I was not allowed to be free I was kept in Prison with valid bond for more than 2 years. This planted Judge, Mark Jebson, after investigation on justice corruption   was consequently ordered to recuse by the Board of Immigration. Despite these recusals, justice corruption persists, leaving me in a state of ongoing distress.


The gravity of the situation is exacerbated by instances of torture and brutality inflicted by government officials, leading to a heart attack, stroke, and a resultant enduring physical disability that requires lifelong medication. Wrongful imprisonments totaling six years were orchestrated to evade accountability, even during periods of incommunicado detention in remote locations e.g.  in the Island and military airports. David Eskew instigated my detention and transfers and detention to island prisons, military facilities and other places where I was detained incommunicado, routinely tortured and denied medical treatment



My plea to your esteemed office is two-fold: firstly, to ensure the conclusive culmination of the Tanzanian government-initiated investigation, detailed in the attached Introduction file and Tanzanian government’s Demarche to the US State Department. Secondly, to address the obstruction of justice perpetrated by certain US government officials. Settlement negotiations are sought, given the government’s acknowledgment of guilt in this matter. After the federal judge Joseph Greenaway ordered the US Marshal to investigate the matter and he issued the court order to charge the government officials two counts of charges 1) Excessive force 2) Denial of medical care. The government lost their defense which was request to dismiss on basis on immunity cover. The judge made it clear this case cannot be dismissed because it has merit on it.  Furthermore, the judge orders no immunity to any government official in this case. Then the government had no other choice but to settle the case in good faith but they chose to corrupt the case at any cost as easiest option form them to avoid accountability. in this case the absence of resolution poses the ominous risk of continued physical and psychological torment, exacerbated by systemic justice corruption.


Efforts to seek intervention from the New York and Washington DC offices of human rights proved unavailing. The matter was presented to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove of California. Dove’s office reviewed the matter and recommended its referral to the Whistleblower’s office in Washington DC. An investigative reporter assessing the situation concluded that my life is in danger by the US government, emphasizing the imperative need for immediate protection from the court in order to facilitate resolution because to report the wrong doing by the government has caused me to experience the high level of retaliation even intending to take my life in order to avoid accountability. It is unlawful for the government of the US to retaliate against me, a whistleblower, for their wrong doing. Meanwhile I was supposed to get an immediate protection for life threatening and restrain order to Mr. David Eskew and any law enforcement because it is David Eskew who orchestrates by using his influences to obstruct investigation of this matter by any cost even my life.   


My plea to your esteemed office is two-fold: firstly, to ensure the conclusive culmination of the Tanzanian government-initiated investigation, detailed in the attached Introduction file and Tanzanian government’s two Demarches to the US State Department.

By any diplomatic request (Demarch) submitted to US State Department should be taken seriously to resolve the matter.

Despite seeking court-ordered protection for over three months due to the looming threat to my life, my request remains unfulfilled, causing profound trauma. Furthermore, despite two diplomatic requests (Demarches) from the Tanzanian government to the US State Department, justice remains elusive. Regrettably, my follow-up with Angela Chang, in charge of the Tanzanian Desk at the US State Department (Bureau of Africa), revealed a lack of good faith in addressing this matter. Having the last Demarche been there for more than a year in her desk, she did not review the documents or find solution to resolve this matter, after many follow ups by Tanzanian Embassy in Washington DC and myself she ignored the facts of the matter that this case is about justice corruption in court system to avoid accountability, failure of justice system. Persecutorial misconduct run by Mr. David Eskew by threatening lawyers, lawyers disappear, artificial judges Tucker L. Melancon was planted from another state to come to New York to corrupt the case, evidence disappear e.g. CCTV camera videos showing brutal beatings, by US officials causing hand-cap for life, witness not allowed in this case, jurors tampering and planting his own jurors, impeding medical records to be known.  All these matters of injustice and torture by the US government were known by Tanzanian government after their investigation those were the reasons for issuing of the Diplomatic requests (Demarches) to the US State Department to seek intervention for Mr. Hango to get fair Justice after overwhelming of justice corruption activities in the court system.  


Having all these injustices and justice corruption, physical and physiological torture the on the first demarche was issued to the US State Department. The US State Department did not investigate the matter as requested by the Tanzanian government instead of investigating the serious matter presented before them the US State Department response was simply directed the matter to be taken back to court, even after the details of all this court system corruption, The US State Department directives were followed and the results were even worse than the prior e.g. tremendous torture, threat to Tanzanian Ambassador,  second  3 years of wrongful   imprisonment, detained in the hidden detentions ( military airport),  denial of critical medical care ( e.g. Surgery), continued wrongful imprisonment even with valid bond on hand for 2 years, not allowed to get any  hearing scheduled by the court as a  Master Hearing calendar to-date,  lawyers assigned to this case were threatened not to be involved in this case  -because the master mind of all these Mr. David Eskew he uses his influence to corrupt and obstruct  justice at any cost.

The above were the dire consequences of the US State department’s not taking seriousness and by directing the matter back to the same corrupt justice system without investigation and endangering my life.



From what happened: extreme torture and continuation of suffering caused by obstruction of justice, and high levels of corruption of justice. Clearly there never was and will never be justice in this case in the US court system because the US government allow an individual to control the whole system in corruption not only that Mr. David Eskew is mastermind for all this justice corruption and even threatened my life and uses influences to obstruct justice to avoid accountability at any cost.   


Consequently, The Tanzanian government on 2022 wrote a serious follow up demarche to seek the US State Department to intervene for me to get justice for more than year the State Department irresponsibly ignored act and respond. On Nov. 2023 the Tanzanian government sent a reminder to the US State Department (Bureau of Africa) because of indifference and out right carelessness of human rights abuse.

 I personally made a follow up to the US State Department Tanzanian desk, Angela Chang who said she did not have any idea about this matter. She requested the documents and told me that she will review with her associates then she will respond to Tanzanian Embassy Washington DC. She responded to Tanzanian government by directing us to go back to court.


 Firstly, it clear  from the first US Department  response and directives to go back to the same corrupt courts without taking necessary seriousness  and investigating the matter  caused severe suffering without no end and put my life in more danger by affording David Eskew and his gang more  time and opportunity to torture and abuse my human rights.


Now after the second demarche, and prolonged wait the US State department was expected to resolve this matter once and for all because the justice system has failed. For the US State Department Tanzanian Desk and her associates to direct us to go back to the same corrupt courts is obvious was not in a good faith.

This, I observed is an attempt to further cover up well documented incidence of corruption, human rights abuse and retaliation. While we recognize the need for thorough investigations before drawing conclusions, it is prudent to initiate a careful examination of the matter in the context of these serious allegations. The conclusion of the State Department Tanzania Desk    and her reluctance to pursue alternative avenues, such as requesting an FBI investigation or involving the DOJ, raises concerns of support for human rights abuses

Secondly, Tanzanian Desk, Angela Chang and her associates one preliminary obligation is to make sure Tanzanian government request to the State Department taken seriously. In this case, it is clear Chang and her associates support of human rights abuse because the directives they are issuing have already proved to fail and cause extreme suffering. So, Angela Chang and her associates   are a part of obstruction of justice. It is inappropriate to be called a Tanzanian Desk when you support abuse of Tanzanian human rights. These concerns, if left unaddressed, could have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the Tanzanian desk operations at the US state Department.

Recommended Actions:

  1. In several submissions to the US State Department, HANGO requested to be protected by any form of harassment, arrest by any law enforcement agencies including immigration… But the US State Department did not even address the issue. Threats to make me disappear via deaths or unlawful arrest is real. David Eskew did orchestrate Hango detention when his case was receiving attention he can and he will do it again. Because he uses influences to direct law enforcements in order to perform his agenda Indeed, plaintiff already received threats of arrest from Agents of David Eskew in different jurisdiction. Accordingly, the US State Department should enjoin or restrain any law enforcement agencies in the State from any form of arrest.
  2. Initiate an investigation to determine the veracity of claims related to human rights abuses and justice corruption. Ensure that the investigation is thorough and impartial.
  3. Compel the State Department to act on the Demarche issued by the Tanzanian Government by ensuring adequate settlement without resort to the judicial system corrupted by DAVID Eskew


Confidentiality: Given the sensitive nature of these matters, it is imperative that confidentiality is maintained throughout the investigation to protect the reputation of all parties involved and to allow for a fair and unbiased assessment.

We trust that thus office will handle these concerns with the utmost discretion, professionalism, and dedication to upholding the principles of justice, human rights, and accountability.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

I implore your office to spearhead a comprehensive investigation into this case, securing justice to address this critical and urgent matter. For direct communication, my telephone number is 702-513-6932.

Thank you sincerely for your invaluable assistance